
Authentic Italian Tiramisu without Whipping Cream

If you’re a fan of Italian cuisine, you’ve likely heard of Tiramisu—a decadent, no-bake dessert that’s beloved for its creamy texture and rich flavor profile. Tiramisu is a classic Italian treat that beautifully combines layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers with a luxurious mascarpone cream. While Tiramisu might seem like an intricate dessert, it’s actually quite simple to make at home. This recipe will guide you through creating the most authentic Italian Tiramisu without the need for whipping cream.

Why Make Tiramisu at Home?

Tiramisu is my all-time favorite dessert, but finding a truly delightful Tiramisu in Vancouver has proven to be a challenge. Many restaurants here fall short of achieving the perfect balance of sweetness, bitterness, and aromatic liqueur that defines a great Tiramisu. While dining out can be convenient, the cost of enjoying a small batch of this dessert in a restaurant often exceeds $15, thanks to the pricey ingredients like mascarpone cheese, espresso, and liqueur.

By making Tiramisu at home, you can savor the authentic flavors of this Italian classic while avoiding the high costs and inconsistent quality found in restaurants. Plus, making Tiramisu yourself allows you to customize the sweetness, coffee strength, and liqueur to suit your taste.

Authentic Italian Tiramisu - likebyregina

Key Ingredients of Authentic Italian Tiramisu

One of the best things about Tiramisu is that it uses relatively simple ingredients. You’ll need:

  • Eggs: The foundation of the mascarpone cream, giving it a rich, creamy texture.
  • Mascarpone Cheese: This Italian cheese adds a luscious, creamy consistency to the dessert.
  • Espresso: The strong coffee flavor that infuses the ladyfingers and complements the mascarpone.
  • Liqueur: Adds a subtle depth of flavor and aroma to the Tiramisu.
  • Ladyfingers: Light and spongy, they soak up the coffee and liqueur to create delicious layers.

These ingredients come together to create a dessert that’s both indulgent and easy to prepare. No oven is required, making it a perfect choice for a hassle-free dessert that can be made ahead of time.

The authentic tiramisu contains raw eggs, but I prefer not to risk, even if there is only a slight chance of salmonella. However, the addition of egg yolks can create a rich and airy texture, which cannot be replicated with other ingredients. So I recommend using the double-boiler method to pasteurize the egg yolks.

Tips for Authentic Italian Tiramisu

  • Quality Ingredients: Use the best quality mascarpone cheese and espresso you can find for the most authentic flavor.
  • Avoid Soggy Ladyfingers: Don’t let the ladyfingers soak in the coffee for too long. A quick dip is enough to avoid a soggy texture.
  • Chill Thoroughly: Let the Tiramisu chill in the refrigerator for several hours to set properly and enhance the flavors.
Authentic Italian Tiramisu - likebyregina

Authentic Italian Tiramisu without Whipping Cream

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Prep Time 20 minutes
4 hours
Total Time 4 hours 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Italian
Servings 6 small square pieces


Makes: 20 x 15cm rectangle
  • 2 large egg yolks
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • 335 g mascarpone cheese
  • 1 cup brewed coffee cold
  • 2 tbsp rum or coffee liqueur
  • 12 ladyfingers
  • Cocoa powder


  • In a bowl (large enough to fit the ladyfingers), prepare your brewed coffee. Allow it to cool and set it aside.
  • In a metal bowl, combine the egg yolks, powdered sugar, and 1 tbsp of rum. Whisk until combined.
  • Place the metal bowl over a pot of hot water. Continue whisking until the mixture becomes pale and thick, about 5 minutes.
  • Remove the yolk mixture from the hot water bath and add the mascarpone cheese.
  • Whisk the mascarpone mixture until it is creamy and smooth.
  • Add the remaining 1 tbsp of rum to the cooled brewed coffee. Mix until combined.
  • Quickly dip each ladyfinger on both sides into the coffee mixture and arrange them in an even layer at the bottom of a glass container (I use a 20cm x 15cm glass lunch box).
  • Spread half of the mascarpone filling over the ladyfingers. Repeat with another layer of dipped ladyfingers and the remaining filling.
  • Cover the container with an airtight lid or plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.
  • Before serving, dust the top with cocoa powder.
Keyword Coffee, Tiramisu
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